Call Now 917-575-2016

Your body has an inner wisdom which knows how to heal itself in its natural processes.

I listen to your body’s inner wisdom and go to where your body needs to heal first and facilitate its natural healing processes.
I treat the whole person mind and spirit.

Meet Joseph Giacalone

  • A man with a mustache and beard wearing a white shirt.
    Joseph Giacalone

    Mr. Giacalone specializes in melding with the client’s inner wisdom and is guided to the bodies’ healing process.

  • A person with their hands open and the light coming from them.

    The cranial system is out of balance when the body is not functioning properly. I promote healing through the body’s n...

  • A woman getting her face and neck massaged
    Ask A Question

    Ask Joseph a question and he will get back with you shortly. FAQ

  • A person is touching the stomach of another person.
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    If you are ready to schedule an appointment for Bodywork, Please fill out the form below and we will contact you shortly...

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